Simple posing flow for photographers
"How do you get such natural poses? How do you make the bride and groom look so in love?"
I'm excited to share the secrets of my posing process! After years of working with couples, I have found my own posing flow! The true secret is that my posing is different with each couple! While I was photographing girls at the Delight Retreat, one of them told me that I had an approach they had never seen before. "It's so... natural."
Yay! That's what I love to hear!
I definitely don't want my couples to feel like they had to work so hard to get the shot. I want them to get close, forget about me, and have beautiful images as a result. Here's how I do it!
If you don't have time to read through my whole system right now, Pin now and read later!
I don't have a list of poses that I go through every time. Instead, I create a moment between the couple and then I direct them into poses where I know they will feel natural (and the moment can continue)! I'm going to walk you through some images from Madalyn and Conner's Missouri Wedding!
For the series below, I asked Conner and Madalyn to hold onto each other. While I don't have a list I work through, I almost work through some kind of kissing series because... romance.
1) I asked Madalyn to throw her arm around Conner and I asked him to kiss her forehead.
Try not to be overly specific when posing your client. That typically leads to stiff poses that look awkward. I didn't ask him to hold his hands behind her... he just did that! And I'm guessing that he typically holds her like that.
2) I asked Conner to kiss her cheek.
3) I asked Conner to kiss her other cheek as I took a couple steps toward them. When I'm moving toward a couple during a romantic moment, I change the volume and tone of my voice. I try to match their volume and tone. I have found that to be extremely helpful in making sure they stay in the moment!
4) I asked her to tease him with a kiss! This is one of my favorites because it's so sweet! Genuine emotions are in full swing by this point and I keep on shooting!

For this second series, I asked the couple to dance! Afterall, who isn't looking forward to their first dance on their wedding day? It's such an easy way to bring out JOY!
1) I asked them to dance!
2) He twirled her around and I took the photo of their hands! If he hadn't twirled her on their own, I might not have requested it. It really depends on the couple and the moment (and if there's a different creative shot that they will love more)!
3) I asked him to kiss her while they were dancing! I love that their hands act as leading lines in the images on the right. The hands add depth and interest. They help tell the story!
4) They pulled away from each other and they were still smiling!
Once you have created a romantic moment for the couple, you will need to give less and less instruction during that series (and session)!

Sweet little flower girls?! I love taking photos of the flower girl and the bride! I wouldn't suggest photographing shy kiddos by themselves until they are comfortable with you. It can be emotional for a stranger to get in your face with a black electronic device. Just saying.
For this series, I asked the flower girl to stand by Madalyn!
1) Madalyn instinctively looked down at the flower girl!
2) I took several steps forward and asked the flower girl to look up at Madalyn. I think I asked her to tell Madalyn her favorite thing about her dress!
3) I asked the flower girl to look at me while I took a couple steps forward! Do you see how she has leaned into Madalyn? This is a common response from children when they are feeling shy or nervous. It's important to recognize this so that you don't put a little girl in tears because you asked her to stand all by herself too soon!
4) I asked the wedding party to join Madalyn and the flower girl! Do you see how she is standing on her own in this photo? She isn't leaning into someone and she isn't peeking through someone's bouquet. She was finally comfortable!
I wanted to make sure to get a photograph of the bridal bouquet, bridesmaid bouquets, and the floral crown for Charity! Florists, editors, and brides love this kind of attention to detail! And, come on!! It's adorable!

These types of images will never get old to me! Being carried into the sun? Yep, you can count me in!
For this series, I asked Conner to pick up Madalyn!
1) I asked him to kiss her!
2) I asked him to walk away!
3) And I told him to kiss her when he reached the fence!

I love simple and elegant posing! This kind of process makes directing clients so fun!
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