Jordan Brittley Jordan Brittley

7 ways to get inspired for your next big shoot

Sometimes you just need to shake things up a bit in your creative biz, you know? Whether you're a professional photographer shooting brands, weddings, portraits or you're a momma with a camera, giving yourself some space to get inspired pushes that creativity up a notch.

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Photo Tips Jordan Brittley Photo Tips Jordan Brittley

How I approach brand shoots

The above shot was taken right after the sun had disappeared behind the trees. There wasn't a ton of light left (you can even see car headlights in the bottom right photo), so I had Charity turn to face the last of the light. I wanted to be careful not to overexpose and lose the detail in her white shirt, so I underexposed this image a ton. I wouldn't have underexposed by this much, but there was such a difference between her white shirt and the background that I needed to make sure to protect the detail in her shirt. 

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